@wagggs_world delegates w HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark! #Generation2030 #Girlsdo2030 #UNGA pic.twitter.com/TxN7OiIRE3
— WAGGGS Delegates (@WAGGGSdelegates) 27 september 2015
HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark in @ClausMeyerDK baking class today at North Nordic Food Festival 2015 #eatnorth pic.twitter.com/HtCouMvp2G
— Denmark in New York (@DenmarkinNY) 27 september 2015
At side event on Mobile Innovations for Maternal Health with Crown Princess Mary of Denmark #UNGA pic.twitter.com/evaZsxi0VC
— Nkata Chuku (@nkatachuku) 27 september 2015