In de Kersttoespraak van 25 december 2013 bedankte Koning Willem-Alexander zijn tante, dat zij met haar echtgenoot Pieter al die jaren Koningin Beatrix hebben bij gestaan.
Margriet en Pieter hebben 4 zonen, die allemaal getrouwd zijn en 2 of 3 kinderen hebben:
Maurits en Marilene - Anna, Lucas en Felicia Bernhard en Annette - Isabella, Samuel en Benjamin
Pieter-Christiaan en Anita - Emma en Pieter
Floris en Aimee - Magali, Eliane en Willem-Jan
Bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad (en uit eigen geheugen)
Princess Margriet , younger sisters of Princess Beatrix has her birthday tomorrow. She then hopes to celebrate her 71st birthday. She was born in Ottawa on 19 January 1943, at the Civic Hospital. She get the namess Margriet Francisca. The hospital room where Margriet was born (in war time), was temporarily Dutch territory, so Princess Margriet still could get the Dutch nationality. Today the princess has always a very special relationship with Canada. So she and her husband professor mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven are almost every year on the Peter Stuyvesantbal.
The Christmas speech of 25 December 2013 King Willem-Alexander thanks his aunt for the 33 years that she and her husband have helped Queen Beatrix.
Margriet and Pieter have four sons who are all married and have 2 or 3 children:
Maurits and Marilene - Anna , Lucas and Felicia
Bernhard and Annette - Isabella , Samuel and Benjamin
Pieter-Christiaan and Anita - Emma and Pieter
Floris and Aimee - Magali, Eliane and Willem-Jan