Het kleine prinsesje heet naar keizerin Zita van Oostenrijk, die ook Koningin van Hongarije was. Zita de Bourbon-Parme, dochter van Robert I de Bourbon-Parme, trouwde met Aartshertog Karel I van Oostenrijk, en werd zodoende Keizerin van Oostenrijk en Koningin van Hongarije. Heel speciaal is deze vernoeming, ook omdat de roots van Prinses Viktoria in Hongarije liggen. Zij is daar geboren. Met haar tweede naam Clara, is het Prinsesje vernoemd naar Viktoria's oma Klára Killermann.
Prinses Irene, de moeder van Prins Jaime de Bourbon-Parme, is op dit moment dus oma van 5 kleindochters: Julia, Paola, Luisa, Cecilia en Zita. In mei verwachten haar dochter Prinses Carolina en schoonzoon Albert Brenninkmeijer hun eerste kindje.
Bron: Vorsten
Prince Jaime and Princess Viktoria de Bourbon-Parme today became parents of a daughter! The girls name is Zita Clara de Bourbon-Parme. She is born this afternoon at 12:40 pm at the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe Hospital in Amsterdam. Zita's weight at birth was 3,626 grams. Mother and child are doing very well.
The little princess is named to Empress Zita of Austria, who was also Queen of Hungary. Zita de Bourbon- Parme, daughter of Robert I de Bourbon-Parme, married Archduke Karl I of Austria, and she became Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary. Also, this name is very special, because even the roots of Princess Viktoria located in Hungary. She was born there. With her second name Clara, is the Princess named to Princess Viktoria s grandmother Klára Killermann.
Princess Irene, the mother of Prince Jaime de Bourbon-Parme, is currently grandmother of five granddaughters: Julia, Paola Luisa, Cecilia and Zita. In May, her daughter Princess Carolina and her husband Albert Brenninkmeijer, expected their first child.